Saturday, 31 December 2011
Start of a new year-2012
2011 has been a great year with some memorable events. firstly, is my work experience in ****. i have made many frens there and they are all gerek people. cannot forget the times i spent in the place. it was a good experience though working there brings some bad memories. the best workplace ever so far. next was my teaching experience in a school. a primary school which is a girls school. good experience there. but workplace quite boring. no fun people. pay quite good. starts at 7 ends at 2+ and get $65 per day. thats quite good. after that a level results. though results not that fabulous but still okay. can get into local uni. after 8 months of loooooooooooong holiday, school starts. school quite boring. but what we learn is quite interesting. results for exams not bad. after tt holiday. balik kampung. one of the best times ever thruout the year. shiok to the max!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!after that new year and then...............its 2012!yaayyyyyyyyyyy!hopes every year will be a better year.amin.
Friday, 30 December 2011
Ombak Rindu Review
tadi aku baru je abis tengok cerita ombak rindu..wah best lah cerita tu!!!!aaron aziz sangat hot dan maya karin juga cantik..tapi yang lagi best dari tu adalah jalan cerita dia.sedih lah cerita nie.aaron aziz memang hotstuff!
lagu cerita nie pun sedap.lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh hafiz dan adira...aku recommend semua orang tengok cerita nie.konfirm tak menyesal.aku almost menangis tapi sebab mak bapak n adik beradik aku sume kat sbelah aku tahan je.ehhehehehe..aku kasi rating 4.5/5
lagu cerita nie pun sedap.lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh hafiz dan adira...aku recommend semua orang tengok cerita nie.konfirm tak menyesal.aku almost menangis tapi sebab mak bapak n adik beradik aku sume kat sbelah aku tahan je.ehhehehehe..aku kasi rating 4.5/5
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Youtube celebrities
During the holidays, i spend a lot of time surfing the net and watching videos. Here are some people whose videos interest me because of some reasons...hahahahha
1) sweetestkind-If im not wrong his name is deekosh and i find his videos interesting. most of what he said is true and he delivers it in a funny way
2)matlutfi90-his videos are also interesting but it is in malay.
3)UM3Lody-These guys can sing very well and im impressed with their talent. There are 3 guys singing and all 3 have fabulous voice.
There are a lot of people singing on youtube and uploading their videos on the net. i realise that many people have a talent in singing. I love to watch ordinary ppl singing on youtube.
Cerita Melayu Best2
kalau nak tengok cerita melayu.....saya memang selalu pegi website ni.banyak sekali cerita. melayu best2.!
Telemovie Dan Sebenarnya
aku baru je melihat telemovie dan sebenarnye semalam.pade aku cerita nie interesting.lain daripada yang lain.tak boleh bayangkan lah kalau orang yang kte selalu jumpe dkat dalam mimpi kite nampak dekat luar betol.cerita ni memang menarik tapi aku rase jalan ceritanye ade sedikit boring aku rate cerita nie 3/5
really don't noe which modules i should take next sem. should i major in psychology or malay studies?my mother wants me to major in malay studies. according to her, if i major in malay studies, i can be a newscaster, teacher, journalist...but if i have a degree in psychology, i can onli be a counsellor. come to think of it, what she said is quite true lah...woah headache!and the gem ans ss modules do not interest me much. besides, we only have a maximum of 8 level 1 modules to take. since i have taken 6, i am onli left with 2 lah. i plan to use the 2 for breadth modules, the ones outside FASS. if i take level 2 or 3 modules for some science module, i will die lah since i am an arts student.and i have decided not to continue hindi for some reasons such as timing, practicality, and besides, most of my frens are not continuing. should have taken chinese instead which is more practical here in Singapore. when i look for jobs during the holidays, quite a few jobs require mandarin speaking workers.....
Monday, 26 December 2011
mimpi biar sampai ke bintang....
watched mimpi biar sampai ke bintang yesterday...the guy is hot lah!

Trip to malacca
posted about my trip to malacca a few days but it was short. seriously my trip to malacca was really fun. when we reached there, we just sit and talk to my cousins whom i have never met for years. woah there were too many cats there and im afraid of cats!!!!!6 kittens + 1 big cat which is the mother. the next day, we went to my mother's cousin's house to visit her. she is paralysed. and i really sympathise her. fortunately, she has daughters and her husband to look after her. and fortunately, her daughters and husband can be depended on. after that we went home. mingled with my cousins. played catching at night. walk around the kampung at night. on friday, we went shopping to mahkota parade in malacca. so many people there. went karaoke. i sang though i was so embarrassed. surprised that my cousins from malacca could sing very night, we went home. chat with my cousins until ard 3+ in the morning and after that i slept. the next day...time to go sad :(((((
here, especially when school reopens i will get so busy and forget about life. there, my cousins are not rich people, lead a very humble life but they are happy with their life.
here, especially when school reopens i will get so busy and forget about life. there, my cousins are not rich people, lead a very humble life but they are happy with their life.
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Trip to Malacca!!Woohoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey i just got back from was reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fun there. sad to go back actually. 6 months later i will go there again...yay!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
okay yesterday i went to meet my friend. currently, she is teaching in a secondary school. She told me a lot of stories about her students. all this while, the schools that I went to are considered quite good schools so the students are quite okay. in school, i have been befriending the good people who do not go home late at nights, who are filial sons and daughters, hardworking students. however, when i listen to her stories, it actually open my eyes. even when i started working during the holidays, i met people from different backgrounds who are not like my frens in school. I am not trying to say that they are bad people. even i do not know the definition of a good and bad person. i believe everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses and no one is pure evil. but i learn a lot from these kind of people and how they ended up being who they are. they shared their family problems with me and i find it similar to those i watch in the dramas. though they are not successful in their academic life, i think they are enjoying life. they spend a lot of time with their frens. but of course, they have a lot of other problems such as family problems. for instance one of my frens always spends time with his frens, go clubbing etc. but he is not close to his parents and they are not even concerned about him. there was one time when he did not go home for a few days and his parents didn't even search for him. he also play toto and when i asked him if his parents were against this, he said that even his father did that. on the other hand, though i have been achieving in my academic studies, i feel that I have sacrificed too much of my time and my life is so mundane and routine. i simply have no life and i spend most of my life studying. sometimes, i ask myself why I am going to this extent and what i exactly want in life..hmmmmm.....
Monday, 19 December 2011
Results out
results come out so fast kepe...i thought fass 12pm then released.hmmm...i got all b ah.3b+ and my cap for this semester is 3.6.must study extra harder next sem..if possible i want to bring my cap to 4.0.i want to take these are my results:
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Modules I plan to take the next sem
After much thought these are the modules that I am planning to take the next sem. Not sure if this is going to be easy or tough. Can't wait to end sem 2. After that, there will be around 3 or 4 months of holiday and I can work and earn money. I want to go overseas!!!
Structure of Sentences and Meaning | |
Research and Statistical Methods I | |
Malay Culture & Society | |
Law and Malay Society | |
Hindi 2 |
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Friday, 16 December 2011
Review on Nus Modules
I am still in my first year in NUS..For the first Sem,these are the modules that I have taken
1) El1101E-I find this module quite interesting especially the lecturer which is Dr Hiramoto. I think she is a very interesting lecturer. At times, she showed us video which makes her lecture more interesting. However, to me, this module is quite dry and contains a lot of technical stuff. The weightage for the mid term and final term is the same which is a bit funny because usually the final term holds a higher percentage for other modules that I take. There is also one affinity group project. Overall, I find this a quite manageable module. Moreover, exams for mid term and final term are also MCQ unlike most of the other FASS modules which requires us to write essay.
2)GEK1041-I took this module because of the university level requirement and because i had no other choice. At first, I thought this module would be easy because I took geography in Junior College and our human geography section includes globalisation. But I was wrong because this was like the most difficult module that I took among the 5. I seriously had no idea about this globalisation thing. Besides, the content does not interest me much.
Moral of the story: Choose your module properly and not because of time table clash/previous knowledge or because there is no other choice.
3)MS1102-At first, I thought that it is going to be a boring module. But I think this is one of the most interesting module that I took. The lecture is very useful and tutorial discussions are also interesting. I realised that there are many things which I do not know about my own community.
4)PL1101E-This is the most interesting module to me. But lectures are quite useless at times. I feel that it is enough if I just read the textbook. That is why SOMETIMES i skip lecture. But I think that you really need to study a lot for Psychology. Sometimes, I feel that students who do well in this module are those that can memorise well.
5)LAH1201-I took Hindi because i watch a lot of Hindi Movies. Hindi lessons are always interesting and it is the most slack module among the 5. Didn't regret taking this module..
I have yet to receive my results..4 more days.
1) El1101E-I find this module quite interesting especially the lecturer which is Dr Hiramoto. I think she is a very interesting lecturer. At times, she showed us video which makes her lecture more interesting. However, to me, this module is quite dry and contains a lot of technical stuff. The weightage for the mid term and final term is the same which is a bit funny because usually the final term holds a higher percentage for other modules that I take. There is also one affinity group project. Overall, I find this a quite manageable module. Moreover, exams for mid term and final term are also MCQ unlike most of the other FASS modules which requires us to write essay.
2)GEK1041-I took this module because of the university level requirement and because i had no other choice. At first, I thought this module would be easy because I took geography in Junior College and our human geography section includes globalisation. But I was wrong because this was like the most difficult module that I took among the 5. I seriously had no idea about this globalisation thing. Besides, the content does not interest me much.
Moral of the story: Choose your module properly and not because of time table clash/previous knowledge or because there is no other choice.
3)MS1102-At first, I thought that it is going to be a boring module. But I think this is one of the most interesting module that I took. The lecture is very useful and tutorial discussions are also interesting. I realised that there are many things which I do not know about my own community.
4)PL1101E-This is the most interesting module to me. But lectures are quite useless at times. I feel that it is enough if I just read the textbook. That is why SOMETIMES i skip lecture. But I think that you really need to study a lot for Psychology. Sometimes, I feel that students who do well in this module are those that can memorise well.
5)LAH1201-I took Hindi because i watch a lot of Hindi Movies. Hindi lessons are always interesting and it is the most slack module among the 5. Didn't regret taking this module..
I have yet to receive my results..4 more days.
Wearing braces
I have been wearing braces for around 7 months now and hopefully i can remove my braces in like 2 years time..I have to say, braces hurt when you first started wearing them but after a while, around 1 month later it feels better. Movement is usually pretty obvious during the early stages of putting braces. Regarding the cost, I have to say it is quite expensive and for mine it costs around $4000..Everytime the wire is tightened, my teeth will be painful and there are some food I have to avoid such as eating apples. Other than that, wearing braces is perfectly OK...!!!!!
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Di Antara Kalian
aku suka lah lagu nie...walaupun lagu dah lama jugak...Di Antara Kalian Dari D Masiv
kuakui ku sangat sangat menginginkanmu
tapi kini ku sadar ku di antara kalian
aku tak mengerti
ini semua harus terjadi
tapi kini ku sadar ku di antara kalian
aku tak mengerti
ini semua harus terjadi
kuakui ku sangat sangat mengharapkanmu
tapi kini ku sadar ku tak akan bisa
aku tak mengerti
ini semua harus terjadi
tapi kini ku sadar ku tak akan bisa
aku tak mengerti
ini semua harus terjadi
lupakan aku kembali padanya
aku bukan siapa-siapa untukmu
kucintaimu tak berarti bahwa
ku harus memilikimu s’lamanya
lupakan aku kembali padanya
aku bukan siapa-siapa untukmu
kucintaimu tak berarti bahwa
ku harus memilikimu s’lamanya
aaaa aaa…
kuakui ku sangat sangat menginginkanmu
tapi kini ku sadar ku di antara kalian
aku tak mengerti
tapi kini ku sadar ku di antara kalian
aku tak mengerti

so dah mmg confirm yg aku akan balik kampung next week but its on wednesday...dah lah results on Tuesday, 20 Dec...MAK TOLONG!!Aku ni takot sebenarnye.imagine lah kalau results aku tak bagos lepas tu mesti aku balek kampung dengan hati yang tak best kan.kalau results aku bagus balik kamung baru best kn kn kn.aku pun tak brape confident ah.lagipun ade bell curve ni susah sket.pakai cumulative frequency.dalah budak2 kat sane sume pandai.tapi apepun aku rase aku dah buat yang terbaik so tak kesah lah apepun nak dapat.tapi next sem aku kene bid betol2.tanak buat the wrong choice.last sem rase2nye sume modules yang aku amek nie ok and interesting except for satu module yang aku rase agak susah iaitu Understanding first aku amek module nie sebab dulu time JC aku amek geography which include the study of human geography and aku ingat aku boleh slack siket ah since aku dah blaja bende2 die.sekali mak oii!!!susah siot bende2 nie sume.agaknye dulu time after A levels holiday aku terlalu slack so bile dah bukak sekolah otak sume dah sem nk amek aper modules eh?????nak major ape pun aku tak tau...most probably psychology or malay studies...
A Malay Speaking In English?
Kalau orang Melayu bercakap dalam bahasa Inggeris,adakah itu sesuatu yang baik atau tak?Di Singapura nie,orang Melayu yang bertutur dalam bahasa Inggeris banyak sekali...tapi masih ramai jugak lah yang cakap bahasa Melayu...dalam dunia sekarang ni saya memang tak dapat nak nafikan kepentingan bahasa Inggeris...sebagai bahasa yang menyatukan manusia daripada pelbagai bangsa,sebagai bahasa pemasaran...Ibu bapa sekarang pun dah makin tahu akan pentingnya anak2 untuk bertutur dalam bahasa inggeris..jadi dari kecik lagi lah dorang practicekan anak dorang bebual inggeris..kadang2 nie ade melayu bila kite cakap english dorang kate kite lupa asal usul lah,tak sedar diri lah,"action" lah..betul ke kalau kite bebual bahasa inggeris maksudnye kite lupa asal usul?takkan semudah itu eh..zaman sekarang,saya mmg tak menafikan pentingnya bahasa inggeris jadi tak salah lah kalau orang melayu nak berbahasa inggeris jadi mereka dapat improve dalam bahasa itu.yg extreme case kalau dorang nie dah tak tau nak cakap melayu langsong...tu yg terok tu...tapi tak taulah nak salahkan siape.manelah tau..dorang dibesarkan dalam keluarge yang memang berbahasa inggeris sejak dari kecil lagi.pada sayelah...berbual inggeris tu mmg tidak salah malah bagus tetapi sebagai orang melayu....hendaklah kita tahu juga berbahasa melayu.biarlah seimbang kan...???
Facebook is now such a popular social networking site...i don' really use facebook...all i do is to read other people's status(in other words stalk people),stories and what's going on in their lives,keep in contact with my old friends...blablabla...but i rarely put my status on facebook to share it with my frens...sometimes, i don't really understand those facebook users who like to share their very trivial thoughts...but i can still tolerate that... the thing which i find irritating is when people start to complain, rant about their relationship problems,lives...scold their bf/gf..tell everything that is going on in their lives(which is suppose to be kept private) such as family problems...what do these people want actually?.i seriously feel that if u are unhappy with someone, then u should confront that person and solve the problem rather than posting something on the facebook and let everyone know..that's all i wanna say actually...but in the end,it's really up to facebook users how they want to benefit from the social networking site...this is just my thought :)
What is beautiful?
Apa sebenarnya definisi cantik/hensem yer?Maklumlah, sekarang ni musim cuti sekolah jadi saye banyak sangat tengok cerita2.Bantak sangatlah...cerite melayu,thailand,inggeris,hindustan,tamil....ape yg saye observe mostly hero dan heroine die cantik...jarang saye tengok cerite yg mengetengahkan hero atau heroine yg tidak ade rupe..kenape yer?orang kate beauty is subjective...but to me it beauty is not always subjective...ape yg orang lain pandang cantik selalunye kite pun pandang cantik atau hensem kn????rase2nyer ade ke orang yg merasakan bahawa jennifer lopez tu tak cantik...atau angelina jolie tk seksi???tak tau lah kalau ade kan..bukan dalam television je hero atau heroine itu cantik tapi dalam kehidupan nie pun suka atau tidak, manusia akan tertarik kepada orang2 yang cantik..dari wajah barulah turun ke hati...kite membuat first impression mengenai seseorang pun melalui rupa.kalau orang tu cantik tapi mempunyai budi pekerti yang tidak elok, dia boleh mengubah budi pekertinya....tapi ini semua terpulanglah kepada individu.kadang2 kita tengok orang tu mula2 cantik tapi dah lama2 tak cantik pulak..mungkin sebab perangai dia..ade orang yang mula2 tengok macam tak cantik tapi dah lama2 jadi boleh tahan lah jugak....saye nie taklah cantik sangat ataupun hodoh...saye bersyukur je dengan rupa saye nie...alhamdulillah..lelaki kat bawah nie barulah hensem kann????

Tuesday, 13 December 2011
its holidays!!!
selalunye time skola bnyk sangat bende nak kene buat.skarang dah holiday tk tau ape nak buat.terlalu banyak time sangat.tak abes2 kene main komputer...haiz...tengok basically, this holiday what did i do?karaoke(seperti biase), bowling, keluar, library (walaupun holiday kene tambahkan ilmu.hehe)...i do noe how many hours i spend in a day main komputer.lepas isyak teros chiong main komputer....itulah jadual family planning to go malacca tapi tak tau lah jadi tak...selalu nye dorang plan tak jadi tau..tapi rase2 nyer kali nie firasat ku mengatakan jadi lah....kalau jadi maybe next wed or fri..rase2 nyer mmg dah lame betol aku nie tak balek kampung.dlm 5 tahun gitu adelah...time holiday nie..mmg betol2 kene holiday lah sebab nnti kalau dah sekolah back to no life..tak abes2 kene blaja.tapi rase2 nyer jc life lagi stress ah..uni life nie bnyk holiday.tapi pelajran lebih susah lah..oklah..tts all for now :))))
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